
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Our First Etsy Order

Last week I mentioned I had uploaded eight of our pieces to Etsy.  I was really excited to get that started. It takes a long time to get good/decent pictures taken to ensure the product looks accurate for the buyers to see.  Then you need to ensure the descriptions entice the consumer and tags are appropriate for people to find the products.

It took me approximately three hours to finish the first eight and I am still not happy with the titles and descriptions.  I know I can't learn the easiest and best ways for online selling immediately and trying to keep that in my mind but I am frustrated with how long it took to add so few items.

Then comes today and I find out we made our first sale on Etsy.  This honestly made my day.  It was the little boost that made me feel those three hours last week were worth it.  I should provide a disclaimer here that the buyer was my college roommate but still our first sale. Plus so she lives in a different state so its a legitimate business deal, right? Renatta is a natural when it comes to looking stylish and never has a bad outfit in my opinion. This makes the sale a little sweeter because if she likes our product it must be relevant. I hope :)

These are the earrings Renatta purchased, I can't wait to see her rock these!

Thank you Renatta for being our first online customer <3