Monday, September 9, 2013
Saturday, April 13, 2013
I am failing so much with Blogging! Its so annoying, I am constantly saying I should blog out this & that but never do it! Anyway all I can do now is try again, so once again IM BACK lol.
Life has been really busy with the new job, being a retail manager is definitely hard work but I'm still loving it. I really enjoy working with beauty products, its so fun making women feel beautiful. I have also met some great people through the job, which always makes a job better.
On the jewelry front, things go back and forth all the time. We are now in a number of stores in the area which is fantastic. However I am still struggling with the website. From a technical point of view I don't know enough to create the look I want & right now hiring someone is not an option. Its honestly my biggest frustration & have somehow got to find a way to make it work. Plus taking photographs myself of the jewelry is a nightmare. I always have shadows or the color is not true to the piece. It makes adding an item to the store so much work.
From a marketing point of view we have done some photo shoots & got some great pictures like the one above but then the stores want the pieces right away. Don't get me wrong its really amazing that stores want our pieces immediately & I don't want to be negative about that at all but with most pieces being one of a kind its tough. I can't put the pictures online because the pieces are not available so then the photo shoot seems almost like a waste. I need to find the balance to almost have two sections of Stella Jewelry online & retail. I know we will figure it out eventually. I see so much potential & have so many ideas I just want to be constantly moving forward.
Anyway the weather seems to finally be starting to figure itself out here in Roanoke. So I am going to try & enjoy my weekend off & make some jewelry on the deck perhaps.
Happy Saturday!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Always late...
Just like always I'm starting the year off late. So here's my delayed New Years Post & my official return to blogging seen as I failed over the last two weeks.
Although it didn't feel like it most of the time, 2012 was a pretty great year for me.
We finally became American Citizens & were able to vote in our first election!!
I enjoyed time in Baltimore, DC, NYC, Atlantic City, New Orleans & Tennessee. Travelling never gets old for me!!
My first trip to AC couldn't have been more perfect, a walk on the shore, fried oreo's on the boardwalk & some quick gambling of course. I was a little sad I didn't see Snooki though!
NOLA lead to lots of indulgence. Hurricanes, Beignets, Jazz & lots of laughs with great friends. It was the perfect place to celebrate a bride to be.
My trip to Baltimore was filled with issues with my love, Adam being the only saving grace.
Over the summer we also worked with a Sales Rep to sell Stella Jewelry. I couldn't have asked for a better response from local stores & only hope to strengthen the relationships this year.
In October I left my corporate office job to be a manager at a Beauty store. The timing was perfect & so far I am much happier in life & finally feeling a little more like my old self. I am also able to work on my jewelry more & am looking into silver smithing courses so maybe one day I can take the leap to make jewelry my full time job.
Finally, I rang in the new year with some of my favorite people & loved when my friend Brianna opted to wear a pair of our new earrings for the evening! I'm loving that it's all about Emerald this year. What do you think of the new style?
My one regret from the year is not working on our website more, it needs so much work! I am making this my #1 goal for the year, followed by being healthier, travelling more & reconnecting with old friends.
I hope you all had an amazing New Years & found someone to kiss at midnight!